Apple Cider Vinegar and your skin

Apple Cider Vinegar and your skin

The apples, that make Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, goes through a double fermentation process which preserves the enzymes, nutrients and therapeutic properties.

Regular white or brown vinegar undergoes extreme distilling and processing which destroys all of the nutrients and healing benefits. White vinegar is great for cleaning windows. To help prevent sinks from becoming blocked;  dump 1/2 cup baking soda down your sink, pour in regular white or brown  vinegar followed by boiling water. Great for cleaning the house; bad news for your skin.

There are many benefits for using apple cider vinegar on your face:

  • Apple cider vinegar contains alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) which assist in removing dead skin cells. It helps to stimulate the production of collagen (the most abundant protein in the body) and elastin (highly elastic protein in connective tissue that helps the skin to resume it’s shape after stretching or contracting. The elastic part of the skin)
  • It has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and antiviral properties
  • It can help lighten age spots
  • The astringent properties make it great to help sooth a sunburn
  • Helps to fight wrinkles and tones the skin by increasing the blood flow and minimizing the pores
  • Balances the pH of the skin which fights acne, blemishes and pimples. Your skin will not be too oily or dry. When you use alcohol cleansers, the alcohol  dries your face and your body tries to restore the balance by producing more sebum (oil). You dry it out again with alcohol and more sebum is produced.  This tug a war causes inflammation and problems. Carol’s cleanser and toner balances and restores your skin.

Never use apple cider vinegar full strength on your skin as it could burn and cause damage.